Zilu Liang, PhD

Zilu Liang

Zilu Liang, PhD

Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan

Zilu Liang, PhD, is a Junior Associate Professor and the Founding Director of the Ubiquitous and Personal Computing Lab at the Kyoto University of Advanced Science, Japan, an Associate Research Fellow at the Institute of Industrial Science at the University of Tokyo, and a data science consultant for Dayzz Live Well Ltd., Israel. She is an avid supporter of the Quantified Self movement. She combines a wide variety of sensing, computing, and data mining techniques to tackle the challenges surrounding data collection, data analysis, and human-computer interaction in Quantified Self, with a strong focus on sleep and metabolism. Her recent research focuses on developing digital biomarkers for disease screening in free-living environments using off-the-shelf wearable and mobile devices, and on establishing longitudinal data analysis methods for discovering personalized and actionable insights in self-tracking health data.