The 2nd Annual Conference of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Turkey Chapter (EMBSCT’17) was held in Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey on May 6-7, 2017. The aim of the conference was to foster collaborations among various disciplines such as engineering, medicine, healthcare and the biosciences. In addition, undergraduate and graduate students were encouraged to enter research and development in these disciplines. The conference included keynote speaker sessions, a panel on bioentrepreneurship, and an opportunity for students to make oral and poster presentations. Topics discussed included neuroengineering, CRISPR gene editing, drug R&D, AI applications in healthcare and medicine, biomedical engineering career opportunities, and 3D printing applications in healthcare. Luis Kun, PhD, Editor-in-Chief at Springer’s Journal of Health & Technology, Distinguished Lecturer of EMBS was also invited to give a lecture entitled “Geomedicine – the Missing Link for Wellness Through Disease Prevention”. The organization committee included Andre Luka Cakici, conference chair and student representative of EMBS Turkey Chapter, Onur Ibrahim Koylu. conference coordinator, EMBS Yeditepe University student club chair, and members of IEEE Yeditepe University Student Branch. More than 550 people attended. Details can be found at the EMBSCT website.