Cuffless blood pressure

Nonlinear Viscoelastic Modeling of Finger Arteries: Toward Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method

Nonlinear Viscoelastic Modeling of Finger Arteries: Toward Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method

Nonlinear Viscoelastic Modeling of Finger Arteries: Toward Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method 2560 1441 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
Finger artery viscoelasticity reduces the accuracy of oscillometric blood pressure computation, but features in available measurements can potentially correct for the effect, paving the way for smartphone-based blood pressure monitoring. read more
Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method: Analysis of Oscillation Width Variations Can Improve Diastolic Pressure Computation

Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method: Analysis of Oscillation Width Variations Can Improve Diastolic Pressure Computation

Smartphone-Based Blood Pressure Monitoring via the Oscillometric Finger Pressing Method: Analysis of Oscillation Width Variations Can Improve Diastolic Pressure Computation 789 445 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
By modeling and analysis of waveform shapes measured with oscillometric finger pressing, this human study demonstrates a new metric for non-invasive and truly cuffless diastolic blood pressure prediction. read more
Cuffless estimation of blood pressure: importance of variability in blood pressure dependence of arterial stiffness across individuals and measurement sites

Cuffless Estimation of Blood Pressure: Importance of Variability in Blood Pressure Dependence of Arterial Stiffness Across Individuals and Measurement Sites

Author(s)3: Mark Butlin, Fatehmeh Shirbani, Edward Barin, Isabella Tan, Bart Spronck, Alberto P. Avolio
Cuffless Estimation of Blood Pressure: Importance of Variability in Blood Pressure Dependence of Arterial Stiffness Across Individuals and Measurement Sites 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Measuring arterial pulse transit time (PTT) to estimate blood pressure (BP) without conventional brachial cuff-based measurement is not new, but is a focus of current wearable technologies research. Much research…

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